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NOTE: News and reports of previous years are available using the following link to our archive pages:

   » Archives of the society

New E-Mail Address of Foerderkreis Kenia Freudenstadt e.V.

Due to a mournful event in our society, we had to change the society's email address in January 2025. Our new email address is as follows (please use this address only and note that we are currently not able to access the old address or any mail you sent there):

Please resend to the new address any mail you posted to our old mail address around and after December 2024.
Thank you for your cooperation!
New address of our office: see our site info page.

Agenda 2025

February 2025, Kenya:
In February 2025, a delegation of our society will visit part of our projects in Kenya. A report on the work done there will be published on our web site after their return.

November 08, 2025:
ANNUAL MEETING of the society's members:
Members will receive all necessary details beforehand, including meeting place directions and the agenda.

We would be glad if you would visit this page again, and if you would continue your financial support of our work in Africa!

» Back to first page.

Agenda 2024

Saturday, June 29, 2024, Freudenstadt:
On June 29, 2024, Foerderkreis Kenia Freudenstadt e.V. will present our charitable work in Africa.
10:30 a.m. thru 6 p.m.:
Information stand and society tent near Protestant Town Church, Freudenstadt
The information stand of Foerderkreis Kenia e.V. Freudenstadt presents our work in Africa, and gives all interested parties an opportunity to interview our members on how to best participate in our work, or on how to support us.
6 p.m. thru 7:15 p.m.:
Ecumenical church service with Pastoral Assistant M. Paulus, and other participants. Venue: Protestant Town Church, Freudenstadt.

Preliminary service contents (changes possible):

  • Organ music / prelude
  • Introduction
  • Singing
  • Welcoming words from our association
  • Singing
  • Psalm
  • Prayer, silent prayer
  • Sermon on Africa
  • Singing
  • Prayer for Africa
  • Prayer requests
  • The Lord's Prayer
  • Singing
  • Powerpoint presentation of Foerderkreis Kenia Freudenstadt e.V.'s projects
  • Singing
  • Blessing
  • Organ music
All donations given during the service are being used for those
persons in need in Africa supported by Foerderkreis Kenia Freudenstadt e.V.!

» Back to first page.

July 20, 2024 (starts 14:00 CET):
Members, friends of the society and their families are invited again to participate in the society's summer fest (former barbecue fest). For information on how to participate you may contact the society's office.

November 16, 2024:
ANNUAL MEETING of the society's members (members will receive all necessary details beforehand, including meeting place directions and the agenda).

We would be glad if you would visit this page again, and if you would continue your financial support of our work in Africa!

» Back to first page.

Info 2025

February 2025, Kenia:
In February 2025, some of our society members will again visit part of the projects in Kenya.
Details available once they returned!

» Back to first page.

Information published on these and our corresponding German language pages is currently being transferred to our archive.
Details available soon!

Agenda 2023

Currently being archived...

Agenda 2022

Currently being archived...

Agenda 2021

Currently being archived...

Agenda 2020


Sunday, June 21, 2020, Freudenstadt:
Due to the Corona crisis, the "Burgermesse" fair Freudenstadt has been cancelled wherefore we are not able to display the society's information booth.

Saturday, June 27, 2020, Freudenstadt:

Saturday, July 25, 2020, starting 2:00 p.m.:
Dependent on further developments in connection with the current Corona crisis, members, friends of the society and their families are invited again to participate in the society's barbecue fest. For information on how to participate you may contact the society's office.
In case the authorities' stay-at-home orders and other social distancing guidelines due to the pandemic would extend into this summer, we will inform you on short notice on possible modifications and / or cancellations of this and other dates on our agenda.

Saturday, November 21, 2020, 2 p.m. through 6 p.m.:
Members were again supposed to convene in order to discuss last year's projects, decide on new projects and elect again next year's society board and administrative members. Due to the Corona pandemic, info pertinent to the projects was instead exchanged by way of mail to all members.

Additional topics:
ADDITIONAL TOPICS are currently being planned
Additional information on our agenda in 2019 will be presented once available. We would be glad if you would sponsor our society's work in Africa.

Agenda 2019

Saturday, February 02, 2019, through Sunday, February 24, 2019, Kenia:
In February 2019, our society visited again part of our projects in Kenya. In the meantime, their voyage report has been published by clicking the following link:
    » Click to read report on 2019 project trip.

Saturday, June 29, 2019, Freudenstadt:
AFRICA FEST in Freudenstadt
Saturday, June 29, 2019, this year's Freudenstadt Africa Fest will take place. Due to major construction and renovation work on Freudenstadt Town Church, our venue is not available this year. We will present information on our projects online, however, and would be glad if you would continue sponsoring our work in Africa.

Saturday, August 31, 2018 from 2 p.m.
SOCIETY'S BARBECUE FEST Friends, and members of the society are again invited together with their families to attend our annual barbecue fest. Information is available at the society's office.

Saturday, November 16, 2019
ANNUAL MEETING of the society's members
Members will receive all necessary details beforehand, including meeting place directions and the agenda.

Agenda 2018

Saturday, February 03, 2018 through Monday, February 19, 2018, Kenya:
In February 2018, a group of our society's members paid a visit to our projects in Kenya. After having returned safely, we will publish a selection of their photographs on this site soon.

Sunday, May 06, 2018, 11 a.m. through 5:30 p.m., Freudenstadt:
Info stand at "Burgermesse" (civil fair) in Freudenstadt
Venue: "Kurhaus und Kongresszentrum"
During this year's "Burgermesse", the society's information stand will again present our work in Africa. Program details will be published once available.

Saturday, June 30, 2018, Freudenstadt:
AFRICA FEST in Freudenstadt
Saturday, June 30, 2018 from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., the society will present new information on our projects in Kenya; venue: market place near Lutheran town church. At 6 p.m., this is being followed by the annual Africa related church service, held by Friedrich Reuff, in the town church with music by the Allegro choir directed by Constanze Emele; and info on J.Aberle's future work in Kenya. Your donations will be used to sponsor the setting up of a drop-irrigation scheme near Doldol, Kenya.

Saturday, November 17, 2018
ANNUAL MEETING of the society's members
Members will receive all necessary details beforehand, including meeting place directions and the agenda.

The Society's Name Changed

Office of Foerderkreis Kenia Freudenstadt e.V., Germany. September 2015.

Dear visitors of our web site: we would like to inform you that there was a small but important change of the official name of our society. There also being societies with a similar name in other cities, we decided to officially include the town we are registered in into the society's name. Before this change took place, we just added "Freudenstadt" to our name. From now on, the society's name reads as follows:
Foerderkreis Kenia Freudenstadt e.V.
This change does not affect any of the projects sponsored and we would be glad if you would continue to stop by at our site and assist us in doing our work in Africa.

Project Trip to Kenya 2013

In February 2013, three society members were travelling to Kenya to visit part of the projects and individuals that we sponsor. Another objective of the trip consisted in further coordinating our project work in Africa. A report on their stay in Kenya is currently being translated from the original German version into English and will be published soon.

Flashback to 2012 — News and Reports from the Society

Christmas 2012 — Call for Donations

(Excerpt from our printed Christmas 2012 Newsletter; translated from the original German version)


Dietrich Elsner, Honorary Chairman.
Dear friends of our society:
Our motto "Building Bridges of Trust and Understanding" was one of the cornerstones of the society's anniversary celebrations. For a period of already twenty years we have been supporting numerous individuals in Kenya trying to alleviate great hardships in a variety of situations which our partners are having to cope with (hunger; illnesses; social problems; etc.).
Recently I had the opportunity of reading a story on an African Christian speaking out the following words of wisdom on the Christian faith: "Faith is like viewing past the horizon"; and: "We are living in a tradition where spirituality is taking precedence over the material world".
Mutual trust is both one of the consequences and foundations of this spirit. Living through these ideas, enables us to build bridges of trust and understanding which are interconnecting Africa and our continent.
In this sense, your donations may also turn into a blessing for both sides.
Following these ideas, we wish all of you a peaceful and merry Christmas.
For the society's governing board,
Dietrich Elsner (Honorary Chairman).

Financing our aid projects in Africa is possible only after having received a sufficient amount of funding.
If you are willing to support the society's work, you may always send us your donations, see the following page for additional detail: Ways to donate.

Visit to Our Projects 2012

Visit to Kulesa.
From the end of February through March 2012 a small group of our society's members visited part of the projects receiving support in the Kenyan highlands, the Tana River region, and near the Indian Ocean coast. This included renewing our contacts to the local population, and the distribution of donations and food for those affected by the current drought.
The English version of their travel report including a variety of new images is available here: » Read the full story.

2012 Agenda

Saturday, June 23, 2012; in Freudenstadt:
11:00 a.m. thru 6:00 p.m.: Information stand and society tent near Protestant Town Church, Freudenstadt.
6:00 p.m.: Church service with the society's honorary chairman, D. Elsner, and other participants. Venue: Protestant Town Church, Freudenstadt.
Note: At the time of this writing, the Africa Festival has already ended. A selection of images shot there can be viewed by following the link on Our Participation in Freudenstadt's Africa Festival 2012.

Saturday, August 11, 2012, starting 12:30 a.m. (provisional date subject to change; visit this web site again before planning to attend):
Members, friends of the society and their families are invited to gather for the volunteers' family & barbecue fest. For information on how to participate you may contact the society's office.

Friday, October 26, 2012, 7:30 p.m.:
Click the images for a more detailed view!
This year, we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of our society. You are invited to join in!
Additional detail is available under the following link:  » Program of 20th anniversary celebrations.
Under the auspices of Freudenstadt's mayor, Mr. Julian Osswald, the main anniversary celebration will take place Friday, October 26, 2012 in the large spa hall in Freudenstadt's Spa Building. The festivities will start at 7:30 p.m.
Dr. Eberhardt Renz, Retired Bishop of the Wurttemberg Lutheran Church, is planning to attend the event.
The musical program planned for this evening includes: ENTRANCE: FREE. All visitors interested in the society's work are invited to join in and will be given an opportunity to contribute donations in order to support the society's projects in Africa.
Please bring in all your friends and acquaintances! All visitors are welcome!

Note: In the meantime, the 20th anniversary celebrations were successfully concluded. A selection of pictures snapped on this occassion is available here: Images from the charity concert.

Saturday, November 10, 2012, at 2 p.m.:
2012 ANNUAL MEETING of the society's members (members will receive all necessary details beforehand, including meeting place directions and the agenda).

Detailed up-to-date information on the anniversary program will be published on our Internet homepage.

Flashback to 2011 — News and Reports from the Society

Visit to the New Beekeeping Project in Kulesa

IN EARLY 2011, the new beekeeping project sponsored by our society started out in the Kenyan village of Kulesa (Tana river district). Additional information, including images shot during our visit to Kenya in February 2011, is available here: » Read the full story.

Participation in the Freudenstadt Africa Festival 2011

Information tent of society

In 2011, our society and its members participated again in the annual Freudenstadt Africa festival. Images on our information tent and the evening service in Freudenstadt's town church may be accessed by clicking the following link: » Read the full story.

For additional events, you may also read our » 2011 flashback page, or contact the society's office for additional detail.

Flashback to 2010 — News and Reports from the Society

2010 Visit to Our Projects in Kenya

At the Indian Ocean coast of Kenya, near Watamu, we spotted this dhow, a native sailing vessel used by local fishermen.
At the Indian Ocean coast of Kenya, near Watamu, we spotted this dhow, a native sailing vessel used by local fishermen.

In early 2010, a group of society members went to Kenya in order to visit the supported persons and our projects.
A preliminary movie version of their voyage was already presented during the Africa festival.

In the meantime, they have written a report of their visit to Kenya, which is available here — together with a  selection of copyrighted images, all taken by our society members:
   » Glimpses from our 2010 Project Voyage to Kenya.

Our Information Tent at Freudenstadt Africa Festival 2010

Information tent of the society.

A SELECTION of images of our 2010 information tent and its visitors is available under the following link. This includes snapshots taken in Freudenstadt town church where our society and a group of guests participated in the church's evening service. » Read the full story.

Flashback to 2009 — News and Reports from the Society

Hermann's mother together with her son in August 2009, after the operation.

Successful Operation

THE SOCIETY SPONSORED the successful operation on a Kenyan child from the rural Tana River district. Additonal medical check-ups are planned.

During our January 2009 visit to Kenya, Hermann S was introduced to us, a child born as a Siamese twin in 2002. » Read the full story.

Our Participation in the Freudenstadt Africa Festival 2009

Bishop Kahuthu while signing the visitors' book of the city of Freudenstadt

THIS YEAR'S OPENING CEREMONY of the Freudenstadt Africa Festival took place June 27, 2009 with the participation of Bishop Zachariah Kahuthu, Kenya Evangelical Lutheran Church (KELC), who was invited by Foerderkreis Kenia e.V. Our society participated in the festival by presenting information on our work in Kenya. To this end, we set up several information billboards and pitched up our café tent in front of the town church, selling coffee and cake in order to support our work. Bishop Kahuthu held the evening service in the evangelical town church with part of the program being performed by other African guests.
» Read the full story.

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Foerderkreis Kenia Freudenstadt e.V., Germany; E-mail of our office: